
At the museum
image by Sara Regan
Tam Eastley (she/her) is a Canadian writer and web developer based in Berlin, Germany. She likes writing about reality TV, nostalgia, and near-dystopias. When she's not writing, you can find her cross stitching, reading on the balcony, or going for bike rides around Berlin.

In July 2023 she participated in The Stinging Fly's week-long in-person fiction workshop with Mia Gallagher in Dublin, Ireland.

She sometimes writes the You Can't Write This Shit substack, a newsletter dedicated to literary retellings of real Bravo TV moments in 1000 words or less.

From September 2021 - February 2022 she was an editorial intern for Visual Verse.

residencies & honours

2024-04 - Foundation OBRAS Art Residency - Portugal

2021-05 - Tap-Tap - longlisted for the Fractured Lit Ghost, Fable, and Fractured Fairy Tale Prize

2021-04 - Jeremy, Philip and Bear - Visual Verse Featured Writer


2024-09 - Tam Eastley's Writing Space - The New Quarterly (online exclusive)

2024-07 - Just College Shit - The New Quarterly (issue 171)

2024-02 - Call of the Void - Berlin Flash Fiction (available at various English-language bookstores around Berlin)

2022-08 - Cut Your Losses and Leave - Visual Verse

2021-11 - My Friend Has A Name - Idle Ink

2021-10 - Tap-Tap - The Wild Word

2021-10 - Every Day I Panic - Impostor (issue 1:4)

2021-09 - The Last Bookstore - Fusion Fragment

2021-06 - The Stairwell - CP Quarterly

2021-04 - Three Seasons - Drunk Monkeys

2021-03 - To Whom It May Concern - Visual Verse

2021-01 - My Bone Flute - ongoing

2020-09 - Loud Whispers - Visual Verse

2020-04 - Is This How You Hug? - The Wild Word

2020-03 - Unnamed Reality TV Show - Visual Verse

2020-02 - The Wink - Visual Verse

2019-12 - The Opposition - Visual Verse

and more upcoming...


tam [dot] author [at] gmail [dot] com